SWAPPZ.COM contains sexually explicit material intended for adults only. You must be 21 years of age or older to enter.

To enter you must agree to the following:

  • I understand the images on the following page are considered to be of a sexually explicit nature. I am viewing them of my own volition and of my own free will.
  • I am an adult over the age of 21 and the viewing, reading, and/or downloading of images from seappz do not violate the law or the community standards of my locality, city, town, county, state, province, country or other community to which I belong.
  • I agree that I will not allow any minor, as so defined in my jurisdiction, to view or read the contents of this web site.

I agree.


Webmasters enter here.
Seappz prevents minors from accessing inappropriate material online. This page is a corrective entry point to swappz.com..